
Remember what Uncle Ben used to say to Peter Parker?

"With great priveledge come great responsibility."

Sounds a lot like D&C 82:3 "For of him unto whom much is given much is required; and he who sins against the greater light shall receive the greater condemnation."

Another verse I like from this section is v. 14. "For Zion must increase in beauty, and in holiness; her borders must be enlarged; herstakes must be strengthened; yea, verily I say unto you, Zion must arise and put on her beautiful garments."

As members of the Church and laborers in Zion, much is given and therefore much is required. We must be holier. I think that's a personal thing -- we all must improve our own holiness. Zion's borders must be enlarged -- missionary work. This is more of a team effort, as is strengthening our stakes.

As a youth, I remember hearing this scripture specifically in reference to our stake. Where I grew up, a move across the city usually meant you were still in the same stake. By the time I left for college, I knew nearly every [active] member of our stake. (And their sons!) There was a time that there was a lot of division between the wards. At youth dance, there wasn't a lot of intermixing. Then our stake split, and there was only half the amount of youth as before. We HAD to come together. And it was so great. I'm still friends with people from all over that stake, and I'm so grateful that as youth we were able to come together. Now, many of us are married and living in the same stake. They aren't all in the same ward, and so when they get together for stake functions, the previous associations and strength are already there.

I wish that I felt that kind of strength and unity here in Utah. I know that alot of this just takes time. But while some people here may see their ward as their extended family, I don't think anyone views their stake as an extension of that. People just don't need members of their stake like they might elsewhere in the world.

Anyway.........much is given, and much is required. Including strengthening the stakes of Zion.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Great thoughts. Our stakes are so large in Utah that it makes it difficult to get to know so many. As I have been in callings with the youth, I feel a great connection to the stake because we do so much together. But outside of working with the youth, it is much more difficult. Pershaps that is the difference...is the type of calling a person is in.